Why Invest in Commercial Irrigation System? | Harisharan Devgan


Maintaining a lush and healthy landscape is essential for businesses looking to create a positive first impression on customers and clients. However, achieving and maintaining a beautiful landscape can be challenging and time-consuming, mainly when watering plants, trees, and grass. This is where a commercial irrigation system comes in.

Investing in a commercial irrigation system can provide businesses with several benefits. These benefits include water conservation, time savings, increased plant health, enhanced curb appeal, sustainable farming, and cost savings. In this response, we will explore these benefits in more detail. It will explain why investing in a commercial irrigation system can be a wise decision for businesses of all sizes.

Commercial irrigation systems can be operated both manually or automatically. They can used with timers, sensors, or weather-based controllers, which adjust the watering schedule based on the weather conditions. These systems can help businesses conserve water, reduce maintenance costs, promote healthy plant growth, and enhance the overall appearance of their landscape. This system has improved the face of modern farming in past years.

What is a commercial irrigation system?

A commercial irrigation system is a network of pipes, valves, and sprinklers designed to deliver water to plants, trees, and grass in a commercial setting. These systems are typically installed in large outdoor spaces, such as parks, sports fields, golf courses, and commercial properties, to provide automated and efficient watering. The system is customized to the landscape’s specific needs, delivering water precisely and uniformly to each plant or grass area.

Commercial irrigation systems operate manually or automatically, with timers, sensors, or weather-based controllers, which adjust the watering schedule based on the weather conditions. These systems can help businesses conserve water, reduce maintenance costs, promote healthy plant growth, and enhance the overall appearance of their landscape.

Some commercial irrigation systems

Several types of commercial irrigation systems are available, each with unique features and benefits. Some of the most common commercial irrigation systems include:

Sprinkler irrigation:

This irrigation system uses a network of sprinkler heads to distribute water across a designated area. Sprinkler irrigation systems are often used for larger areas and can be customized to circulate water in specific patterns or volumes.

Drip irrigation:

Drip irrigation, also known as trickle irrigation, is a type of irrigation system that delivers water directly to the roots of plants through a network of drip emitters. The system is highly efficient and can reduce water usage by up to 60 percent compared to traditional sprinkler systems. Drip irrigation can also promote plant growth and health by delivering water and nutrients directly to the root zone. This type of irrigation system is often used in agriculture for row crops, fruit trees, and vineyards, as well as in landscaping for gardens, shrubs, and trees.

Center pivot irrigation:

An irrigation system uses a rotating arm to distribute water across a field. The arm is typically mounted on wheels and moves in a circular pattern around a pivot point, delivering water as it moves. This irrigation system is commonly used in agriculture for large-scale crop production, such as wheat, corn, and soybeans. These systems cover large areas quickly and efficiently, and farmers can customize water distribution in specific patterns or volumes. Farmers can automate center-pivot irrigation systems, saving time and labor costs.

Micro irrigation:

Microirrigation uses small emitters to deliver water directly to the base of plants. These irrigated ion systems are highly efficient and can save water while promoting plant growth and health.

Subsurface irrigation:

This system involves burying irrigation lines underground, which deliver water directly to the roots of plants. Subsurface irrigation systems are highly efficient and can reduce water usage while promoting plant growth.

Choosing the right commercial irrigation system will depend on the size and type of irrigation area. Farmers cultivate the kinds of plants or crops to grow, as well as other factors such as water availability and budget.

Why invest in a commercial irrigation system?

There are several reasons why investing in a commercial irrigation system can be an intelligent decision:

Conserves Water:

A commercial irrigation system is designed to deliver the right amount of water to plants, trees, and grass, reducing water waste and conserving this valuable resource. Watering the lawn manually takes too much time and energy. In this case, a lawn irrigation system helps manage your lawn’s water needs and irrigation timings. Moreover, it lowers your monthly water bill, which also saves you money in the long run.

Saves Time:

An irrigation system automates the watering process, allowing employees time to focus on other tasks. This is particularly important in commercial settings where maintaining large landscapes can be time-consuming because watering huge fields manually is time-consuming and costly.

Increases Plant Health:

Irrigation system delivers water directly to the root zone of plants, promoting healthy growth and reducing the likelihood of disease. Moreover, customized irrigation systems help manage the fields’ water levels. This ultimately leads to the better health of the plants or crops.

Additionally, the accurate amount of water helps preserve the soil’s nutrients.

Enhances Curb Appeal:

A lush and green landscape can positively impact customers and clients, boosting your business’s curb appeal. In the case of selling landscape, an automated irrigation system can enhance its value. Because curb appeal is a significant factor when selling your home, lawn, or landscape.

Cost Savings:

While the initial investment in an irrigation system may seem high, the long-term cost savings regarding reduced water usage and maintenance can quickly add up. An automated irrigation system is programmed to use a specific or accurate amount of water that saves cost and water as well.

Investing in a commercial irrigation system can help businesses save time and money while promoting a healthy and beautiful landscape.


In conclusion, a commercial irrigation system can be a wise investment for businesses looking to improve the health and appearance of their landscape while saving time and money. With features such as automated watering, precise water delivery, and reduced water waste, irrigation systems offer several benefits that can help businesses achieve their landscaping goals while promoting sustainability.

Moreover, a well-maintained landscape can enhance a business’s image and attract customers, making it a valuable investment in the long run. So, if you’re looking to improve your business’s landscaping, consider investing in a commercial irrigation system and enjoy the benefits that come with it.

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